Brendan Jamison reviews ‘Bankers’ a new play by Brian McAvera
Author Brendan Jamison
News & Current Affairs
Teasing out the truth behind the greed and recklessness in the banking sector
The Arts
Collecting Contemporary Art [Part 4: André Stitt - Sonic Abstract Paintings]
Brendan Jamison discusses the work of Belfast born André Stitt, considered one of the most controversial of all the leading contemporary artists in Europe
The Arts
Brendan Jamison: Collecting contemporary art [Part 3: Futurism and Parody]
Sculptor Brendan Jamison discusses the works of Lydia Holmes …
The Arts
Brendan Jamison: Collecting Contemporary Art [Part 2: Horror!]
Sculptor Brendan Jamison discusses the merits of artist Miguel Martin…
The Arts
Brendan Jamison: Collecting Contemporary Art [Part 1: Landscape Refreshed]
Sculptor Brendan Jamison discusses the merits of contemporary artist Ciaran Magill…