As a unionist this piece is not hard to express however I recognise that for some it may be difficult to digest. A united Ireland resulting from Brexit is not inevitable. A united Ireland is not inevitable at all! Through concessions and compromises Northern Ireland has moved onto a transition road from which it cannot fail to cross over and emerge without a new and sincere unionist commitment to the Union. To say that unionist expectations arising from the Belfast Good Friday Agreement are deflated is an understatement. As we approach 2020 unionists are underwhelmed by the nationalist commitment toward making the Agreement work.
My understanding is that unionism is preparing to follow its own exclusive agenda. You may well ask what has stirred people? The answer is, a perception of real threats to the Union coupled with emboldened talk of a border poll within an atmosphere where unionists are split over maximising winnable seats at Westminster. These concerns have incensed solid unionist people, salt of the earth good people who wish to live in peace, be comfortable with their families, enjoy a decent quality of life and have uncertainty removed.
The message is not that, that unionism has thrown in the towel on securing political accommodation with agreeable nationalists and inbetweeners. The truth is that unionism is exasperated and reaching a ‘what is the point conclusion’ in encouraging engagement with a nationalist community which infuses division, absenteeism, and is not to be trusted.
Emerging from a unionist think in, the slumbering Bear of united unionism has awakened. Bring forward the resurgence of a majority and it is not difficult to see what serious determining factors are under review within the unionist family.
The bear cubs are looking at Sinn Fein and its patsy parties the SDLP, Greens and Alliance and their inquiring voices are interrogating ‘what is the point?’ These people have no vested interest in Northern Ireland, they do not want success here and sharing nor do they want a community at peace. “Why then should we sit back and watch the prevention of new opportunities for unionism stymied “ is a typical comment? To anyone uncomfortable with ‘the what’s the point attitude’ - understand it is indicative of the challenging conversations going on but which should not be confused with anyone pursuing unionist wrath through street politics.
From all walks of life and all ages notably 25 to 45 year old men and women - they are focussed and motivated to hurdle over the difficulties they know unionism faces. Project teams recognise that the tone and expression of unionism need to be nuanced to be understood. People expect tolerance and understanding and expect this to be reciprocated. People keen to represent an amicable and attentive unionism acknowledge the importance of being agreeably received and respected at home, in the rest of the U.K. and in the South.
Unionists place the blame on Sinn Féin’s shoulders. Wham, Bang ,Wallop, the game is over. Who in the circumstances can blame unionists for pulling the shutters on aggressive arrogant republicans? Unionists have audited the peace balance sheet. It shows no dividend resulting from compromise. Unionism has been taken for a republican ride ……and is giving notice “never again.”
The new dynamic impacting across unionism involves many previously not bothered about politics. That has changed. People have watched the Good Friday Belfast Agreement torn to shreds by Sinn Fein and their confederates and are staring down the point of a barrel of betrayal by the Prime Minister through his ‘border in the Irish sea’ E.U. treaty. This grass roots operation is flowing from the bottom up. No pecking order, no class distinction only a vibrancy which is destined to succeed.
Not sure if you’d class me as what you insultingly call an ‘agreeable nationalist’ David but you seem to have forgotten the Law of Diminishjng returns. Your RE-AWAKENED Unionist bear should go back to basic math class
1997 13 Unionists 5 Nationalists
2001 11 Unionists 7 Nationalists
2005 10 Unionists 8 Nationalists
2010 9 Unionists 8 Nationalists 1 Alliance
2017 10 Unionists 8 Nationalists
IN 2019 Unionism’s most optimistic result would be
9 Nationalists 9 Unionists.
You see the Direction of travel David?
What has really changed and what might deliver even a more disasterous result for Unionism is that middle-class Nationalists no longer think the Northern State is workable. Your Unionists Bear can answer for that. Not sure if you find this agreeable but I know you can do math.
Told you so David. Nine Nationalists and nine unionists. And this is as good as it gets.
McNarry, can i just say that i really enjoyed listening to Maajid Nawaz embarrass you on LBC a few months ago. For those who havent heard it, i’d suggest a listen:
PS: the game is up. Tick tock. UI here we come!
Excellent found myself chuckling along with Maajid. David oh David would that there were an access point in your brian that filtered out nonsense. I despair.
You see, here’s a perfect example of what I was saying on the Brian Rowan thread about there being more elephants in the room than unionists either willing or able to see.
“Bring forward the resurgence of a majority”. Majority? Ha! From where?
“My understanding is that unionism is preparing to follow its own exclusive agenda.” Any thoughts on what that might be? for no one ever says. Words, words, words - that’s all.
“These people have no vested interest in Northern Ireland.” So, you’re saying that Republicans want a United Ireland? Who knew!
““Why then should we sit back and watch the prevention of new opportunities for unionism stymied “ And these “new opportunities” are…? Waits a moment… waits a decade or two… and realises that his political representatives still can’t articulate this.
“People expect tolerance and understanding and expect this to be reciprocated.” So terms like ‘crocodiles’ were a poor idea? Again, who knew?
“Who in the circumstances can blame unionists for pulling the shutters on aggressive arrogant republicans?” Honestly, we ought to try a bit of self-reflection first (which would be the definition of humility-you know, the opposite of arrogance). RHI anyone? I hear there’s a book on it and it doesn’t make for good reading
“Safe, Safe,” they cried…
Come back to us when you have an idea.
Or to put it another way, Unionists feel sore because for the last three years they’ve been kicking their own behind.
‘Through concessions and compromises Northern Ireland has moved onto a transition road from which it cannot fail to cross over and emerge without a new and sincere unionist commitment to the Union.’
I’m sorry David but I genuinely don’t understand what that above sentence means.
(I hope you’re ok …)