As one who actively campaigned for the Belfast Agreement and supported the experimental concept of power sharing and parried some punches to boot, it is with genuine sadness that their demise is being written into our history. Such is the reality. After 10 laboured unproductive years unionists have learnt the salutary lesson that Sinn Fein’s version of any agreement is only a non binding process.
Settling once and for all the constitutional imperative of maintaining Northern Ireland as a loyal and constituent part of the U.K. enabled unionists to put their trust into power sharing. Sadly our trust has been abused, now with republican machinations over Brexit.
No unionist anticipated the alarming aggression the Southern Irish government have injected into our affairs. Far less the relentless blarney swallowed in Brussels .
The negative border backstop proposal aiming to conjure up a new identity for our local residents as Irish / E.U. passport holders makes the British majority resident a minority in their own Country.
It is very clear that the nationalist combined forces have no interest whatsoever in the difficulties unionists are experiencing with this direction of travel egged on from Dublin. Picking a battle founded on rights only for nationalism but none for unionism is a claw hammer way of saying to unionists you are on your own. But think about the impact of setting apart Irish/E.U. citizens from the British. We cannot allow the creation of a Dublin-Brussels controlled colony inside a nation state, not even if Dublin-Brussels paid for the luxury .
Republican rejection of Brexit has changed the end game. Northern Ireland will be more British than ever post Brexit. Not a chance of forging even a simulation of joint authority. Nationalism has simply run out of road. Shocking and audacious is the cry of the hard rump of extremism pulling the strings of nationalism who have misled people and walked them into a busted flush. Tough isn’t it but sad too, there will be no Belfast Agreement no power sharing because Brexit is not acceptable to the combined forces of nationalism .
At every strategized twist and turn Sinn Fein weaponised marginal rights issues to intentionally collide with unionists. Unionists were determined to focus on health, education housing, and investments but the thrust of Sinn Fein was to block normal political advancement with their speciality of heads in the sand dogma. This without a shadow of doubt has left unionism flummoxed and stunned. Unionism cannot even begin to understand a mentality which is punitive and find it bothersome to know there are people who actually support with gusto such an ill conceived strategy. Unionism knows where it is going. The pity is nationalism won’t join in making Northern Ireland a better place for all.
Dogs dung
David is completely out of touch with reality.. all polls pre Brexit and even more so now because of brexit the British identity is dying a quick death.
What was all that oul guff about respecting the wishes of the “ulster people”?
Lets respect the wishes of the people of Ulster, well at least 60% of them
Where is this Unionist majority he keeps banging on about?
Mr. McNarry, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.
Nationalism didn’t pick this battle, it didn’t propose changing anything.
Unionism has lost the plot, it has set itself against the majority in NI and against the interests of business, unions etc. This is lunacy.
I gave up alcohol twenty three years ago and I sometimes wonder could I chance a pint but the above reassures me that i made the right decision LOL thank you David.
McNarry, like many other unionist politicians, decries the potential for the EU to annex part of the UK - namely the 6 counties of Ulster - “We cannot allow the creation of a Dublin-Brussels controlled colony inside a nation state, not even if Dublin-Brussels paid for the luxury.” They all conveniently gloss over the fact that this is exactly what Britain did in 1921 when it annexed the 6 North Eastern counties of Ireland against the express wishes of the majority in Ireland. What goes around, comes around!
“Settling once and for all the constitutional imperative of maintaining Northern Ireland as a loyal and constituent part of the U.K.”
I wonder has David McNarry even read the Good Friday Agreement! The agreement allows for constitutional change should a majority of 50% +1 agree to it in a referendum.
Such incoherent gibberish. If this is the voice of Unionism it’s a poor look-out.
Poor Dave. I wish you well a chara.
Why is this sort of claptrap being featured on “Eamonn Mallie”?