From the moment of conception, we are destined for birth, life & death.
Death is the unavoidable consequence of life: no matter how it is delivered , that unwelcome visitor will one day call. Whether you are of a religious faith, an agnostic, an atheist or a secularist we all, one day, will meet death.
As we each die, the only remnant left of us physically, is how we are remembered by those we leave behind: family, community, society, Nation. The world will appraise our passing based on the words and actions we completed in life.
There is no doubt that as we develop from babe to child to early adulthood that our social environment shapes us. Our initial thoughts and rationale are made from impressions we received from the family home, streets, community, authority and power.
Over the recent period of troubles on this Island, such a social environment led many, falsely, to the top of the hills only to be abandoned, the result being - suffering.
Many believed, absolutely, in notions that they are somehow inferior to their fellow neighbours while others believed they are superior to their fellow neighbours, the result - suffering.
Many were indoctrinated by propaganda and followed causes that were false ideologies if not downright deceit, the result being - suffering.
Many lived their lives in self-righteous condemnation forgetting ‘there but for the grace of God, go I’ the result being - suffering.
Many demanded rights as absolutes or set out on purist agendas which stifled diversity, the result being - suffering.
Time advanced and with that came evolution leading to new political and social influences. Level headed maturity steeped in realism brought ceasefires followed by a negotiated political agreement which levelled the ‘playing field’ for all to engage, advance and proceed in the spirit of equality and parity of esteem.
Yet, today, as oft happens, we hear the shouting, ranting & inciting from those who wallow in own insecurity and uncertainty, afraid to change.
Their song drowns out the advanced changes made in this north east region of Ireland.
Their song ignores national & global fiscal, economic & population changes happening.
Their song eradicates the calm voice of the reality of society societal as they negatively impact life through the conscious decision to engage in old provocation with mind sets in conflict mode.
I wonder how many of those who choose provocation, incitement and violence have actually contemplated on the thought: “one day I will die”?
Do they ever wonder how their contribution to family, community, society and the world will be remembered?
Do they ever think of what they are creating for the next generations of their community or the peoples of these small Islands: Britain and Ireland?
Do they ever dwell on what their legacy will be when they die?
Now more than ever this wee place requires people who with an evolving mind-set can look to the future without the tumours of hatred, fascism, sectarianism or false beliefs.
Now is the time of mature leadership.
Leadership is solving problems: It is moving forward, breaking down barriers and opening doors a-new. It is creative and never inert.
Leadership is flexible: It improvises and adapts to managing change with end to end agreement.
Leadership embraces the dynamic of evolutionary advances and abandons ill fitting, uncomfortable or unnecessary historical weights.
Leadership delivers for the benefit of all.
Who among us will bust myths; rise above propaganda; embrace reconciliation abandoning the inherited weighted baggage of the past with eyes of today looking to the horizon so we deliver long term for our children and generations to come?
Perhaps, self-motivated people that think, speak and act with a death bed mentality to the legacy they leave behind are not such a bad thing right now.
Glenn - there’s a lot to be said for a meal with an old enemy and a lift home. Your piece is about opening minds and opening doors, and some people are already doing that. There are others who can’t or won’t, but they shouldn’t be left to plan the next parts of the journey. Barney
a very eloquent examination of leadership requiring its foundations grounded in humanity, reality and purpose, towards leaving a positive legacy
Hi Glenn not sure if you remember me or not? I was in 2plt A coy , I have a message for you from Eddie Bell he will be in Belfast on Thursday 26th September 2013 if possible would you call him on 07955242352 .
Best Wishes and Faugh-ah-Ballagh
Hi Pete, will do. FaB Brad.